What is Safe Harbor doing this month?

April is Month of the Military Child

Safe Harbor Coronado is hosting SEAL teams and other military installations at Coronado Middle School during our youth program Wellness Wednesday. The goal is to engage students and celebrate the silent ranks that serve alongside our active duty military members.

Additional Information:

  • Love & Logic a 6-week parenting seminar. Don’t miss this wonderful parenting series. Simple - Practical - Effective pertinent for all ages and useful for all areas of life. Register Here!

  • Are you new to Coronado? Check out our Aloha Club!

    • Our Aloha Club also matches new families with existing ones in the community to serve as a resource and help build connections throughout the year

  • Digital Life Lessons is a new program we launched at Christ Church Day School.

    • The program informs students and families about the best practices for digital safety in today’s evolving digital landscape.

  • Our TED Talk of the month focuses on digital safety for kids. Click here to watch a TED Talk discussing how to ensure your child’s safety online.